Heather Warren

Heather’s primary charge is pastoral care. She has served at St. Paul’s since 2010, having been in the United Methodist ministry prior to ordination in the Episcopal Church. Heather gained significant experience working with church groups in Appalachia through the Tennessee Outreach Program (Mountain T.O.P.), and from theological-practical internships at a branch of Atlanta Legal Aid and the Carter Center. She pastored churches in southern Maryland before turning to full-time academic pursuits.

Heather was born in Scotland, did most of her growing up in Nashville, Tennessee, and received her formal education at Cornell, Emory, Oxford, and Johns Hopkins. Since 1998, she has been a tenured faculty member in UVA’s Department of Religious Studies where she researches and teaches American religious history, particularly American Protestantism since the late-nineteenth century. She has a daughter Hannah Burgess, who is a professional mermaid, and a son, Benedict Burgess, who is an actor and a writer. Heather is an avid hiker and maintains a section of the Appalachian Trail.